chez Colleen

chez Colleen is the internet blog and creative outlet for Colleen Berding, located in the middle of America. Recipes, reveries, and recess in no particular order.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Is spring really here?

I walked out of work today at lunch to the wail of the emergency sirens over at Busch Stadium. There have been lots of changes there since baseball season is almost upon us (the first home game for the Cardinals is next Monday, April 10). I'd suspect it's an inspection since I saw a few fire trucks at Clark near the Westin toward the MetroLink station.

Yesterday, the nice folks from the St. Louis City street department implemented the obviously ADA-compliant street lights. It's not a big deal in a car, but now, the Walk/Don't walk signs talk and beep...over and over and over again. Jim, our security guy at the front desk, is already getting complaints from certain corner office occupants. I guess it's good to be a peon on the third floor for once! :)

Outside of that, the hot dog guy is back in Kiener Plaza. He's been occasionally mobbed, so I'm sure a few people are happy he's back. The crews from the Parks Department are getting the fountain ready for next week and the first game, when people will mull there waiting for the baseball game, enjoying the weather and/or looking for a ticket scalper for opening game tickets.

There's still construction on the Hilton, which makes driving by Market and Broadway a little harrowing at lunch. Thankfully, the concrete finishers completed the sidewalk, so I'm back to my old route which was torn up for the last three months for construction.

It still needs to warm up a bit, but the signs are all here. Spring really is here! Go Cardinals!


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