chez Colleen

chez Colleen is the internet blog and creative outlet for Colleen Berding, located in the middle of America. Recipes, reveries, and recess in no particular order.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Life without chocolate

Lent is better some days than others. This year, in the spirit of penitence, I decided to do something hard. I gave up eating chocolate. When you work in an office, only seven feet from the nearest community candy bowl, it is tough.

I have been using some strategies to get me through this while I work.

1. Take another route when walking around the office.
2. Do not dawdle and/or spin in the walkway when waiting for the printer to print your document, which is located a mere two feet from said danger zone (candy bowl).
3. Pack your lunch. If you get hungry, just eat it.
4. Drink more water. Yes, it sounds stupid, but studies show you eat less when you're hydrated. (See Sue, I really did retain something important from your nutrition class!)
5. Hide any chocolate that may be in your possession, like the candy bar the boss just gave you.

Other coping strategies that seem to work most days:

1. Watch the movie "Chocolat". It's like eating it, but without the calories. (Thank goodness there's no smell component to TV or DVD or I'd be attacking the window display just like Monsieur le Comte!)
2. Be distracted by small children who will badger you for whatever you're thinking about eating. My child could win a competition for this. If I just look at the refrigerator, he's thinking of five things he could be eating before bedtime, so I spend my time keeping him out of it.
3. Drink beer. Guinness is dark for a reason...chocolate malt!
4. Hide in the bathroom reading a good book.

At least, if I keep the other corollary of this and stop eating between meals, I might just lose some weight. Who knows. April 15 isn't really that far away.

And then, out comes the dark chocolate...with a nice beer on the side.


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