chez Colleen

chez Colleen is the internet blog and creative outlet for Colleen Berding, located in the middle of America. Recipes, reveries, and recess in no particular order.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Rolling around town

Since today is my day off and I had to get the oil changed in hubby's car, I decided to tote my bike with me so I could ride around while I waited for the work to be complete.

First, I rode over to Maplewood and went to Mass with the St. Boniface folks who meet there regularly. We met the superintendent of the Maplewood-Richmond Heights school district who was there to see Fr. Jim while we were having coffee. After that, I meandered over to St. Louis Hills to a wifi spot, so I could look up some of the terms I need for class next week.

I wish I could do a nice, long bike ride every day. It is a whole lot of fun!


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