chez Colleen

chez Colleen is the internet blog and creative outlet for Colleen Berding, located in the middle of America. Recipes, reveries, and recess in no particular order.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Out of the mouths of babes...

After I fixed a couple of technical difficulties, I figured I might as well post of few of the "out of the mouths of babes" things Bubba has said to me lately.

The new black or something....
Bubba now calls the Easter Bunny "the Bunny", not the Easter Bunny, not Peter Cottontail, but THE Bunny.

I guess that's to show who's the most important bunny in our house. (Note: we do not have any real bunnies and no bunnies have been harmed in the making of this post--not even chocolate ones--yet.)

I wish they hadn't resurrected the TMNT phenomenon
My guess is that since Bubba saw a lot of commercials on our DVDs for the latest TMNT movie, that this is the reason he keeps talking about turtles.

So, being the indulgent parent that I am, I took Bubba to Mickey D's for his bi-monthly Happy Meal. He saw the turtles on the post near the drive-thru speaker and he told me he saw the turtle and he wanted one. Since he's a boy, this was the boy's toy.

Oooh! Much excitement and chattering ensued from the back of the car once I gave him his bag. He thoroughly inspected the bag and then when we got home, I set up his Happy Meal, and he proceded to try to get Leonardo (our turtle in the bag) out of the bag.

Once Leonardo came out of the bag, I practically had to force feed Bubba. We put Leonardo down, but he kept popping up to get him and thoroughly inspect his shell, bandana, etc.

He loves Leonardo so much, he took him to bed with him.

At 330AM, I heard crying and "I can't find my turtle!" I get up, locate the turtle, put him in Bubba's hand, cover him back up, pat him and wobble back to bed.

Arrgh! Those turtles are a pain!

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