chez Colleen

chez Colleen is the internet blog and creative outlet for Colleen Berding, located in the middle of America. Recipes, reveries, and recess in no particular order.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

The weekend!

At least I only had to work yesterday, and I'm off until Tuesday. We didn't have a whole bunch of patients in rehab, but it was busy!

Lots of fun stuff going high school friend Ann and her husband Pat are awaiting a new baby. Hubby is almost done with his BigLab contract and working on a permanent position. Hopefully, we'll see how it all falls out by Labor Day. I'll be in orientation until mid-September, and then I'll have three months with no floating to any other units.

We took Bubba with my aunt to Innsbrook to see fireworks last night (they have an annual show the Saturday nearest the 4th of July each year). He got a little scared, but he enjoyed the colors. We got home by midnight and thankfully, he was asleep by then. It was a beautiful night and the bugs weren't too bothersome, either.

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Independence Day!

At this very moment, Bubba is running in circles with his Made in USA plastic American flag. Sheltie is freaked out and trying to hide under the desk at the same time. He saw the flag under the mailbox (one of our neighbors, a real estate agent, posts flags by every mailbox and along the road every year). It's a little kitschy promo, but Bubba loves the flags. He cried when our last one bit the dust last year.

Nevertheless, since Hubby is working, we will be spending some time with my sister and keeping Sheltie inside before the wacko teenagers start the fireworks fest today around dusk.

My diet so far is still working, or it's the fact that I'm really pacing the floor since I started my new job. Since I'm off today I decided to celebrate last night. I saw this article on the news yesterday, so I just had to take their advice with some nice sweet Bing cherries and a nice glass of Merlot.

Study: Chocolate lowers blood pressure

Freedom isn't free. Many, many thanks to all those who keep us free today and to those who lost their lives defending freedom.

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