chez Colleen

chez Colleen is the internet blog and creative outlet for Colleen Berding, located in the middle of America. Recipes, reveries, and recess in no particular order.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

One little boy says no..

And the kindergarten test is pretty crazy. This week, Hubby took Bubba for his developmental screening for kindergarten. In theory, this will give the educators a look at where his strengths and weaknesses lie. In reality, it's just a big headache.

They were nice enough to direct us to the list of things Bubba should be doing by his current age in months and years. Bubba recently turned five. His report card for the exam was a score card with four columns.

The first column consisted of skills, the second, specific skills, the third column was age appropriate and the last column was areas to work on. Bubba was about 50-50 in terms of where the checkmarks were allocated. He did very well in language, concepts and pretty well in behavior. For some reason, the test administrator, ranked some skills right in the middle of the third and fourth column for behavior and motor skills.

Bubba mustn't have liked this tester, either, because, as usual, he refused to count. He also wouldn't build anything with blocks, even though, he's known to assemble small skyscrapers (about 3 feet tall) in the basement with his blocks.

Finally, just to add to the excitement, he flunked the hearing and vision screening. Yes, the same child who can identify DVDs in the store window from 40 feet and can drive past a chain restaurant and tell you what it is, flunked. He also doesn't miss the sound of a slight fizz from opening a root beer can from 40 feet, either. I'm not sure if it was a bad day (Hubby took him to the test) or if he was just feeling testy.

Only about four months to go, and we'll see how he really likes kindergarten, instead of a bunch of tests!

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