chez Colleen

chez Colleen is the internet blog and creative outlet for Colleen Berding, located in the middle of America. Recipes, reveries, and recess in no particular order.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

RIP GE and other assorted shenanigans

The GE refrigerator I successfully cleaned is terminal. While I was off, I decided to do a twofer service call and got the appliance man to look at both my balky clothes dryer and the fridge. Turns out there's a refrigerant leak in the fridge. It's too expensive to fix, so yours truly made the appliance search online and in person and I ended up visiting my friends down the road at Sears for a new one. Right now, it's cool, but not much better than that. It will go to the big refrigerator graveyard next week.

We had a wonderful brunch today at Nadoz, which is in the Coronado just across from the SLU Law School on Lindell. Our favorite place to brunch was closed for vacation, so we were pleasantly surprised with the selection. Since we were early, one little boy got to play in and around the clock tower just west of the SLU Cook School of Business.

Mommy remembers when I went there, I would have been run over on that part of Spring in my day. It was a fun place to frolic and wait for brunch, among the fountains, statues and pond.

More to come...stay tuned.

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