chez Colleen

chez Colleen is the internet blog and creative outlet for Colleen Berding, located in the middle of America. Recipes, reveries, and recess in no particular order.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Whole lotta shaking going on...

At 0436AM today, there was at our house, due to a small earthquake. Since I tend to wake up early on my day off, I figured it was nothing unusual, although I was dreaming that I heard a strange noise. I suppose it wasn't strange or a dream, after all.

While I was surfing around today, I did find some good earthquake links:
LAFD Earthquake Safety Guide (pdf)
Office of Emergency Services homepage (also in CA)
Red Cross Earthquake information

Hubby and I visited the folks at Giacomo's today. They were bringing up the rear at IC, since he told them by sitting near the front they were scaring off the regulars. (He's always giving them trouble.) We always go over and engage him in some debate, but this time, we didn't make him late. I brought along a cheesecake, so with Toots' jelly roll, we had a fun time eating, drinking and being merry after Mass.

Hubby's car had a nasty shake and rattle thing going on, so we took it into the shop. Said rattle is now history, since he just needed a new tie rod, brakes and rotors. So hopefully, it'll be smooth sailing ahead for his blue Swedish battlewagon.

Bubba got his official full day kindergarten acceptance letter today. He will go to our assigned school, so this also means he'll get to ride on the school bus, too. He is very excited about kindergarten. Let's just hope it stays that way!

Gotta run to pick up the car and take Bubba out to the "train station" (his term for the mall--don't know where he got that from) as is our usual weekly custom.

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