chez Colleen

chez Colleen is the internet blog and creative outlet for Colleen Berding, located in the middle of America. Recipes, reveries, and recess in no particular order.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Meme-o-rama at Sunday Stealing

I found this one via Driven to Distraction, so if you're a meme fan, check it out.

Have you ever…

1. gone on a blind date?
Of course! Why not? I'd have never gotten out of the house if I hadn't.
NOTE: you really must trust your friends (and make them come along) for this to work.

2. skipped school?
Yes, on Senior Skip Day in high school. I had too much fun with my friends in my free time in high school to want to skip.

3. watched someone die?
No, but I've been close (within minutes) on a number of occasions, and these all occurred before I became a nurse.

4. been on a plane?
Yep. Europe, US and Canada.

5. been on the opposite side of your country?
Yes, to California to visit my friend Marilyn.

6. swam in the ocean?
Waded, yes, in the Atlantic in Florida. Swim, no, sorry.

7. had your booze taken away by the cops?

8. lettered in high school sport?
Nope. The basketball coach's reputation as a tyrant dissuaded me from trying out (and the lack of transportation didn't help, either).

9. cried yourself to sleep?
Once or twice.

10. played cops and robbers?
Yes. My brother and I were pretty imaginative.

11. sung karaoke?
Of course! Grab your friends and make them come with you. (I did this for a few years at a local bar with a bunch of friends on Friday nights and we had a blast. No one pays attention after a while.)

12. paid for a meal with coins only?
Usually at fast food joints only. Great way to get rid of change.

13. done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
Yes, rock climbing, and I lived to tell about it.

14. cheated on an exam?
Nope...thought about it. Crime doesn't pay.

15. made prank phone calls?
Of course. Is your refrigerator running? Thank God they didn't have CallerID in those days...boy, am I dating myself!

16. laughed until some sort of beverage came out of your nose?
A few times. The carbonated ones are killers!

17. caught a snowflake on your tongue?
Yes! One of life's pleasures!

18. written a letter to Santa Claus?
Of course, and my mom even kept one when I was five and asked Santa for the Barbie Beach Bus. (I got a bus, but I think it was a different Barbie bus...she had a whole fleet!)

19. watched the sunrise with someone you care about?
Once or twice. Prefer's more romantic. ;->

20. been kissed under the misteltoe?
Not because I wanted to.

21. ever been arrested?

22. gone ice skating?
Yes. I'm not the most elegant, but I can do it after a warmup period of about an hour. I got better once I bought Rollerblades.

23. been skinny dipping outdoors?
Not in many years.

24. had a nickname?
Yes. My relatives loved calling everyone some sort of pet name. I answer to whatever as long as you call me for dinner, as I tell people.

25. been on TV?
Yes. Snippets here and there and I was on Italian TV (RAI1) during the 1992 presidential campaign when my friend Becky and I spotted their crew in front of the St. Louis public library downtown. They wanted a "college student" perspective and we had just graduated in May.

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