chez Colleen

chez Colleen is the internet blog and creative outlet for Colleen Berding, located in the middle of America. Recipes, reveries, and recess in no particular order.

Monday, April 17, 2006

I can't sleep

For some reason, even though I am tired, I cannot sleep.

Yes, I've gone down the laundry list of things that could be keeping me awake, but none of the usual suspects, like late afternoon caffeine are on my list.

Maybe I'm just free-associating too much.

I have to run over to the ND Alums group and see what is going on there. I got my digest today of posts via e-mail (since I can't camp out on that site, due to work and other interruptions) and it's made me think. Maybe we should create our own T-shirts. Note to the other Colleen: You go, ND Girl, go!

Tonight, as I have for the past few Mondays, I've made an extra effort to spend time with my son. Normally, we do something fun around the house, like bake cookies or play a game. Today, we took a ride in the car and dropped off dinner for one of our friends. (One of these days I will learn how to cook for less than 8 people.) He was thrilled to see the ham and other Easter goodies, including dessert, I made for lunch yesterday. I was thrilled with the thought that I that I would not have to eat the rest of the six quart bowl of potato salad that remained all by myself if my husband gets bored. As a stopgap, I usually freeze extras for later, but you can't freeze potato salad. Molto grazie, Giacomo! Bon appetit! :)

On the way back home, we took the long way and listened to Fleetwood Mac's Greatest Hits album, which is now on my iPod and in the car. Surprisingly, the charge didn't suddenly disappear from the battery like it usually does. I guess the hold button really does work now!

My little cherub liked bouncing around in his seat to the music, and we quickly made our way home. He went to the bathroom to take his bath, without the usual protestations. He played a little in the tub and in a few minutes, he was ready to snuggle on the couch. We watched one of his favorite nighttime movies, Chicken Run (aka Chicken Noodle in our house). Before I knew it, it was nine o'clock and the sleep timer turned off the TV. Bubba (not his real name) burrowed into the afghan and fell asleep. I put him to bed, and here I am.

I'm still thinking, but I'm trying to stop. Hopefully, those ideas will stay on the drawing board until tomorrow. Ciao!


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