chez Colleen

chez Colleen is the internet blog and creative outlet for Colleen Berding, located in the middle of America. Recipes, reveries, and recess in no particular order.

Friday, October 27, 2006

It's not only in California...

Just taking a break, since I read this article with interest this morning as I was working on some school work. Here's an interesting quote from the article below:

In simplest terms: A homeowner who drives a Volvo, reads The New Yorker and shops at Whole Foods Market is likely to lean Democratic. A pickup driver with a hunting or fishing license who reads Time magazine probably leans right.

Now I know why some of the campaign flyers are arriving at my house. Dastardly data brokers!

I'm going to subscribe to Time magazine now, just to mess them up! ;->

Cardinals up 3-1...go Cards!


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