chez Colleen

chez Colleen is the internet blog and creative outlet for Colleen Berding, located in the middle of America. Recipes, reveries, and recess in no particular order.

Friday, March 24, 2006


No work until Monday....and that's just not long enough! Where are those three day weekends!

We're planning to do a few things this weekend, and one of the things I want to do is veg for a couple of hours. It's always my goal, but passing out in front of the TV inadvertently does not count.

What a week it's been. I found out my friend is pregnant. That now makes two of my high school friends who are currently pregnant. They are both due during the busy, baby season (at least that's what the nurse at the hospital told me once..) of August and September. It should certainly make fall more interesting.

It's just too bad that you can't give a gift certificate for things like uninterrupted sleep, automatically clean homes, or a child who sleeps through the night. Those would be bestsellers!

I have discovered that my son really likes to talk to me on the phone. I just wish there was a Three-Year-Old Phone Translator module I could add to my phone. He gets off on so many tangents and does not speak into the phone that it makes holding conversations really nuts. The child is now watching Where the Red Fern Grows over and over.

To top this off, I have to remember to tell him not to call it "the 'coon movie"(about raccoons, those little masked mammal trash can bandits of the suburbs) since there has been a big brouhaha here on St. Louis radio about a personality mistakenly saying this while discussing Condolezza Rice. Consequently, he apologized and still lost his job. He's also on leave from his other job.

So, honey, just say it's the Dan and Ann movie and no one will care.


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